Friday, October 1, 2010

Away for the summer

I went away for the summer, so I didnt get any more lookups done. I am back now, but taking a difficult course which is really eating up my time.

I still am in dire need of lookup volunteers. Even just a few records would help, ANY lil bit of time. Can you help?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I've spent the last few months working on researching Massachusetts vital records up until 1915. I have alot done, ut so much more I need to do. If you have a suscription to NEHGS and would be willing to look up a few records here or there, I would GREATLY appreciate the help. Just let me know :)

Friday, April 30, 2010


Here will be links related to the surname study.

FamilyTreeDNA Project

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Origin of the McGonigle Surname

...origin information to come soon

McGonigle (all variants) One Name Study

I'm embarking on the difficult journey of researching any and all persons with some variant of the surname McGonigle, worldwide.

I live in Massachusetts, so the bulk of the research will be from this area, at least for a while, until i can branch out, or receive donated research.

If you have research on ANYONE with a variant of this surname (with or without the Mc prefix, etc), please contact me. I'd love if you would share your information with the project.

Some variants include:

McGonigle, McGonagle, McGonigal, McGonagal, McGonegal, McGonegle, McGonagall, McGonegall, McGonigall
MacGonigle, MacGonagle, MacGonigal, MacGonagal, MacGonegal, MacGonegle, MacGonagall, MacGonegall, MacGonigall
Magonigle, Magonagle, Magonigal, Magonagal, Magonegal, Magonegle
Gonagle, Gonigle, Gonigal, Gonagal, Gonegal, Gonegle,
McConghaill, McCongail, McCongale

If you can think of some variants that are not listed here, PLEASE share them with me, so i have more options to search.